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Real People Getting Real Results:

Before sessions with Luana, I struggled deeply with dissociation, feeling disconnected from my body and trapped in chronic freeze. Despite my efforts, relaxation seemed impossible. Luana's compassionate guidance changed everything. Through her support, I learned to feel safe within myself, experiencing true relaxation for the first time. I became attuned to my body's needs, navigating discomfort with patience and gentleness. With Luana's help, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, taking gradual steps towards wholeness. Continuously supported by her expertise, I finally found a sense of home within myself. Now, I can pause, make decisions, and create safety in my life. Luana's unique skills in somatic therapy and unwavering presence have transformed my journey towards authenticity. I am profoundly grateful for her support, which has made a profound difference in my life. If you're considering working with Luana, know that her invaluable expertise is a rare find.“

Brianne L., Social Worker ~ Golden, Canada

I've experienced her group classes and she provided support in a way that is caring, interactive and fun. After sessions I'd always leave feeling grounded and more myself. I think this was thanks to the combination of careful inquiry, conversation nudges and more meditative work. I found the sessions focussing on my body were particularly helpful, they woke a calm in me that has stayed.
I’m more confident and connected with myself since doing the program and so grateful to find a group of people on a similar path as me.

Tasha C., Registered Nurse ~ Montreal Canada