What do black bears do when they’re mad?
What do black bears do when they're mad?
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We forget that we are animals with a primal instinct to protect and fight back when we perceive danger. So many of us are completely disconnected from a healthy fight response due to past conditioning, trauma and this idea that we need to behave and be nice. In today's video I share a personal story of how I learned that anger is medicine through my experiences with black bears. A mamma bear is one of the most dangerous mammals in the world. She will do what she needs to do to protect her cubs from danger without hesitation.
Can you imagine the life force energy rallied for this biological response? (that we also have). Can you imagine a person doing this? If we consistently suppress or repress this biological fight response or healthy aggression, we get sick, our muscles tighten, physical pain gets chronic and that same life force energy creates dis-ease in our body because it get's stuck in this internal stress loop.
Watch the video to find out how we are more like our mammal friends than we think. If you'd like to dive deeper make sure you go to my website thegoodhumanacademy.com where I offer self-study programs, private healing sessions and weekend intensives.
Much love, peace and blessings
💖 Luana